
To provide its clients with the best global support in terms of reputation building and protection, Community Strategic Communication Advisers has developed over the years a series of partnerships with firms and professional practices that share its same vision: attention to details, a proactive approach towards the client and outstanding overall quality of work.


When brand identity is developed correctly, it turns into a key-tool that, if used to its full potential, enables the effective reaching of different recipient target audiences. Community Strategic Communications Advisers is able to meet its clients in their quest for top-tier professionalism, providing a strategic analysis of both brand identity projects and their operative inflections (art direction and copy-writing).


An integrated communication process often requires a synthetic and effective approach to bolster brand awareness or to launch a service or product. Community Strategic Communications Advisers, through some selected partners, is able to provide its clients with a team of top-tier professional graphic designers and copywriters to develop effective above and below the line campaigns.


Conventions, fairs, forums, exhibitions, conferences, press, vernissages. There are many occasions to establish contact with the public, trades or media, which represent a huge opportunity for companies. Community Strategic Communications Advisers, through its partnership network, is able to provide a wide range of optimal solutions for the functional organisation and management of any event.


Thanks to the experience gained in creating and managing tailor-made content for its customers, Community Strategic Communication Advisers is able to develop projects involving house organs and company newsletters addressing both internal and general issues, with editorial products – web or printed – capable of delivering effective key-messages to the target public.

Alma Graduate School
Autorità Portuale di Venezia
Fondazione Nordest
Governance Consulting
Promos – Camera di Commercio di Milano
Veneto Banca